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Mechatronics Engineering

Course description:

 Mechatronics as a new word which represents a combination of “mecha” from mechanism and “tronics” from electronics. Mechatronics thus represents the development of new system integration technology which includes mechanics, electrical, electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, control, computer, and signal processing. A typical Mechatronic system picks up signals from the environment, processes them to generate output signals, transforming them for example into forces, motions and actions. Examples of Mechatronic systems are robots, digitally controlled combustion engines, machine tools with self-adaptive tools, contact-free magnetic bearings, automated guided vehicles, etc. Typical for such a product is the high amount of system knowledge and software that is necessary for its design.

Career Opportunities:

 you can work for technical Services, you can be machine designer, packaging engineer, automation specialist, human/machine interface (HM) Programmer, controls specialist, motion control programmer.
Selva nayagi

Selva nayagi


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