Course Description:
The major driving force for the present day
information Technology revolution is the development in Electronics
Engineering. The basic principles and performance of electronic devices and
circuits are introduced in the course. Design and analysis of different analog
and digital circuits are considered in detail. Different analog and digital
modulation techniques used for communication, equipments and systems involved
in wireless communications, satelite and optical communication technologies,
computer communication and networking, design and development of
microelectronic circuits for computation and processing, components and systems
for electronic instrumentation and control etc,. form major content of the
course. The course also covers the study of hardware and interfacing of computer
systems, programming skills and application of computers in signal processing
and communication.
Job Opportunities:
Graduates in Electronics Engineering have opportunities in Government and
private companies for installation, operation and maintenance of electronics
equipments and systems.defense, space and other large research organizations
employ electronics engineers in design and development of complex devices and
systems for signal processing and telecommunication. Industries involved in
design and fabrication of devices, integrated circuits, embedded systems,
electronic equipments etc have also provided large scale placements for
engineers with this specialization. Installation and maintenance of electronic
equipments used for health care in hospitals, equipments & systems for
instrumentation and control in process industries automation systems of
assembly line in production industries, etc are also handled by electronics
engineers. The skills and understanding developed in the course enable them to
be preferred, as software professionals by IT companies.
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