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Top 10 Tips to Save Battery of Your Smartphone

Smartphones have become a part of our lives without which we are unable to manage. This is mainly due to a lot of functionality and features packed in them.

However, the major reason behind dissatisfaction among smartphone users is poor battery life of these devices. The most annoying thing is to charge your phone battery in the morning and till mid day it becomes half or even less.
And if you do not carry battery charger along with you, it becomes quite a problem. While the technology to increase battery life is still not around, we need to find ways to make our smartphone battery last longer.
Here are some basic tips that would work for any smartphone:
save smartphone battery
1. Turn off vibration mode
Vibrations help you get notifications when you have to turn your phone to silent like in meetings, movie theatres or any other place where it is required to keep the mobile phone silent.
But otherwise if you can keep your ringtone on then it better to keep vibrations off at that time or at least their magnitude. This is because vibration consume much more battery than the sounds which ringtones produce.
2. Reduce screen brightness
A smartphone screen is something which is used each and every time we are using the phone. If we are checking our phone every two minutes then a brightly lit up screen will definitely eat away most of the battery.
You can use the auto-brightness setting in your phone which will adjust brightness according to usage and battery life or else do the settings manually and set the brightness to the dimmest level just enough to let you read properly.
3. Reduce screen timeout
Another way of saving battery through screen. Screen time out is how long your screen remains lit after you are done interacting with it. Shortening this time will surely help you save much battery.
4. Switch off phone when not using
It is true that turning your phone on consumes more battery than unlocking it but if you are sure that you will not use your phone for another couple of hours or more, it is better to switch it off. This will save more battery than leaving it on inactive or sleep mode for that time.
5. Charge battery in correct way
Various types of batteries are available for the smartphones, some have long life-cycles, that means they can be charged more often, while others come with shorter life cycle. So find out the type of battery in your smartphone and charge it accordingly.
6. Close unnecessary apps
We can use multiple apps at a time in our phone which is a wonderful feature, but it is also one of the major reasons of more battery consumption. We often open several apps and do not close them after usage and they eat away the battery more quickly than we think. Therefore close all the apps which you are not using at the time.
7. Disable GPS
Many apps use the GPS system on your phone for functioning. They certainly eat more battery than others. Hence make sure these apps are disabled when not in use.
8. Turn off Bluetooth, 3G/4G, WiFi when not in use
A considerable amount of energy is used when your phone searches for any signal, Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G etc. Repeated searches lead to a major drop in battery level. To avoid that, keep your phone in high signal zones or simply switch it off or keep on flight mode.
9. Minimize notifications
When you are connected to internet, you are likely to get a lot of notifications. It is better to have only important notifications such as text messages, emails etc. Other notifications not only distract you unnecessarily but also consume battery, so better to keep them off.
10. Try to keep your phone cool
Try as much as possible to keep your phone on a cool temperature for its better functioning. Avoid keeping it in direct sunlight.
So these were few tricks and tips which will certainly help you save most of your smartphone battery and also increase the life of the battery.
Selva nayagi

Selva nayagi

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